Network Quality Reports

Video/Audio conferencing is by nature a data intensive operation. The 100ms SDK attempts to stabilize connections especially if subscribe degradation is turned on in the template but it's possible for really bad connections that users will still have problems.

It can be helpful to measure a user's connection speed before joining a room in order to set expectations or decide to have them join with video off etc.

The 100ms SDK provides a way to measure the user's downlink speed in the preview screen.

⚠️ The downlink speed is measured by having the SDK download a file (1mb as of this writing).

The download will be continued for at most a fixed number of seconds (For example 10 seconds) and the speed during that interval is calculated. The entire file may not be downloaded if it exceeds the timeout.

DNS time is not counted in this, only throughput is measured.

Receiving a Network Quality Update in Preview

When creating an HMSConfig object to request a preview, set the captureNetworkQualityInPreview to true to measure the user's downlink network quality.

When available, the information will be returned in the on(peer: HMSPeer, update: HMSPeerUpdate) callback of the HMSPreviewListener with the networkQualityUpdated update type. It can be retrieved out of the HMSPeer object's networkQuality property. In case of preview, the peer will be local peer.

let config = HMSConfig(userName: user, authToken: token, captureNetworkQualityInPreview: true) hmsSDK?.preview(config: config, delegate: self)

Here's the class definition of HMSNetworkQuality, which is a property on the HMSPeer.

public class HMSNetworkQuality { public let downlinkQuality: Int }

Receiving Network Quality Update During a Call

After the room has been joined, it might be useful to give users an indication of network health of other participants in the room. In case of network issues this can reduce confusion regarding wether it is my network at fault or the other party's. No special configuration is required to enable network health callbacks. Starting with iOS SDK version 0.2.9 this information will be sent via on(peer: HMSPeer, update: HMSPeerUpdate) callback of HMSUpdateListener. The peer will signify which peer the network health is being reported for.

🔑 Note: The update is only fired when there is a change in peer's network quality value.

Interpreting the Values

peer.networkQuality?.downlinkQuality will be a value between -1 and 5.

  • -1 -> Test timeout.
  • 0 -> Very bad network or network check failure.
  • 1 -> Poor network.
  • 2 -> Bad network.
  • 3 -> Average.
  • 4 -> Good.
  • 5 -> Best.

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