Pre-Call Diagnostics

Pre-Call Diagnostic APIs

The Pre-Call Diagnostic APIs provide two type of functionalities :

  1. APIs to test the connected I/O devices like camera, mic and speaker functionality
  2. APIs to test the connectivity to 100ms Servers - This can identify signaling and media connectivity issues and provide a report at the end of the test.

You can use these APIs in your application to detect issues before a Participant joins a video Room or as part of a troubleshooting page while already joined in the room or at a later stage to debug some issues at the end user's device/network

How to use the Pre-Call Diagnostic APIs

To use the diagnostic APIs first you need to get an instance of HMSDiagnostics from the HMSSDK instance.

// get the HMSSDK instance var hmsSDK = var diagnosticsSDK = hmsSDK.getDiagnosticsSDK()

If you are planning to use the connectivity checks while you have already joined a room, create a new instance of HMSSDK to get the HMSDiagnostics instance

Test Microphone

To test if the microphone is correctly working, call the startMicCheck API passing the preferred check duration as timeInMillis parameter. Diagnostics SDK will record the microphone input into a temporary file. completion callback will be called with the result of the check or error if any. onLevelChange is called every second with the decibel level detected by the microphone. This can be used on the UI to show an indication that mic is recording user's audio

Ensure app has NSMicrophoneUsageDescription set before running this check.

diagnosticsSDK.startMicCheck(timeInMillis: 10000) { [weak self] result in switch result { case .success: // recording succeeded case .failure(let error): // error occured during recording } } onLevelChange: { [weak self] level in self?.micLevel = level }

You can call stopMicCheck if you need to interrupt the check before the specified time has passed.

Test Speaker

To test the device speaker phone, call the startSpeakerCheck API. This will playback the file that was recorded while testing mic. If there is no recorded file present in the cache, either due to microphone issues or startMicCheck not being called, the speaker test API will play a pre-recorded file

You can check if the speaker is working correctly if you are able to properly listen to the recording from startMicCheck API or the pre recorded file

diagnosticsSDK.startSpeakerCheck { [weak self] result in switch result { case .success: // playback succeeded case .failure(let error): // error occured during playback } }

To stop the speaker check, call the stopSpeakerCheck API.

Test Camera

To check if the camera on the device is working fine, call the startCameraCheck API. This API creates a local video track and returns it. Applications can use HMSVideoView to show the video track to users, using the same way any other HMSVideoTrack is shown. This API takes the device as a parameter, where you can specify either the front or back camera. By default front camera is chosen if nothing is specified

Ensure app has NSCameraUsageDescription set before running this check.

var device: HMSVideoInputDevice switch selectedCamera { case "Back Camera": device = .backCamera default: device = .frontCamera } diagnosticsSDK.startCameraCheck(device: device) { [weak self] result in switch result { case .success(let track): // Use HMSVideoView to render the resulting track case .failure(let error): // Show error } }

To stop the camera check and release all the resources, call stopCameraCheck API

Test Connectivity to 100ms Servers

To test if there is proper connectivity to 100ms signalling and media servers, you have to call the startConnectivityCheck API. This API establishes connections to both the signalling and media server and publishes audio and video data to determine the network quality and generates a report of the connection. This API uses the local device's mic and camera to send audio-video data and receives back the same data to calculate network stats for both upload and download link of user's network. Please note that Camera and microphone permissions are needed to be provided by the app before making a call to this API This test runs for 20 seconds. It may finish earlier if connection cannot be established.

While the connectivity test is being performed, regular updates are sent by the SDK via the progress closure. The application can listen to these updates and notify the UI to show updates regarding the test. When the test is completed, completion closure is executed with the complete HMSConnectivityCheckResult that has details about all the reports generated.

diagnosticsSDK.startConnectivityCheck(region: region) { [weak self] checkState in // Show state updates to the user } completion: { [weak self] result in // Show check results }

Understanding ConnectivityState updates

The startConnectivityCheck API sends regular updates while the test is going on. HMSConnectivityCheckState is an enum which has the following states:

enum HMSConnectivityCheckState : Int { case starting case initFetched case signallingConnected case iceEstablished case mediaCaptured case mediaPublished case completed }
startingInitial state of the connectivity test
initFetchedInit API is fetched successfully
signallingConnectedConnected to signalling server successfully
iceEstablishedConnected to Media Server successfully
mediaCapturedLocal Media captured successfully
mediaPublishedLocal media started uploading successfully
completedConnectivity test has completed

The above states can be used to show the progress of the test on UI

When the test completes - either successfully or un-successfully, the completion closure is executed with the test result in HMSConnectivityCheckResult which has the following fields:

testTimestampTimestamp in millisecond when the test was conducted
stateThe final connectivityState after the test was completed.
signallingReportReport describing the signalling server connection
mediaServerReportReport describing the media server connection
deviceTestReportReport describing the camera, speaker and mic test result
errorsList of HMSException that were encountered while performing the test, if any

HMSSignallingReport comprises of the following field

isConnectedwhether signalling server was successfully connected or not
isInitConnectedwhether test was able to reach INIT server
websocketUrlThe websocket url that was used for the connection to signalling server

HMSMediaServerReport comprises of the following field:

isPublishICEConnectedwhether the publish connection to media server was successful
isSubcribeICEConnectedwhether the subscribe connection to media server was successful
connectionQualityScoreA floating value denoting the overall network quality of the user. It ranges from 0 to 5, with 5 being the best score
statsDenotes the overall audio and video stats that was uploaded and downloaded
publishIceCandidatesGatheredA list of all ICE candidates that were gathered for the publish connection
subscribeIceCandidatesGatheredA list of all ICE candidates that were gathered for the subscribe connection
publishICECandidatePairSelectedThe candidate pair that was selected for the publish connection
subscribeICECandidatePairSelectedThe candidate pair that was selected for the subscribe connection

In the stats, SDK reports the following stats for both audio and video separately in the stats field of HMSMediaServerReport

bytesSentNumber of video/audio Bytes that were uploaded from the client to SFU
bytesReceivedNumber of video/audio Bytes that were downloaded from the SFU
packetsReceivedNumber of video/audio packets that were received from the SFU
packetsLostNumber of video/audio packets that were lost while sending to the SFU
bitrateSentThe upload audio/video bitrate in kbps
bitrateReceivedThe download or received bitrate of the remote audio/video track in kbps
roundTripTimeThe publish side round trip time from the device to the media Server of 100ms. This is same for both audio and video tracks

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