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Adds a response (vote) to a poll.

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fun fetchLeaderboard(pollId: String, count: Long = 50, startIndex: Long = 0, includeCurrentPeer: Boolean = false, completion: HmsTypedActionResultListener<PollLeaderboardResponse>)
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fun getResponses(poll: HmsPoll, offset: Int = 0, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 50) count: Int = 50, ownResponsesOnly: Boolean, completion: HmsTypedActionResultListener<List<HMSPollQuestionResponse>>)

Retrieve full responses.

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Start a poll.

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This function update state of current whitebaard session HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Start and HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Stop

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This function starts a new whiteboard session, make sure you have the admin permission in []

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fun stop(poll: HmsPoll, completion: HMSActionResultListener)

End a poll.

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This function stops the current whiteboard session.


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The array of polls managed by the interactivity center.

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Called when a poll is started/stopped/updated.