
class YuvToRgbConverter(context: Context)

Helper class used to convert a Image object from ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 format to an RGB Bitmap object, it has equivalent functionality to https://github .com/androidx/androidx/blob/androidx-main/camera/camera-core/src/main/java/androidx/camera/core/ImageYuvToRgbConverter.java

NOTE: This has been tested in a limited number of devices and is not considered production-ready code. It was created for illustration purposes, since this is not an efficient camera pipeline due to the multiple copies required to convert each frame. For example, this implementation (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52726002/camera2-captured-picture-conversion-from-yuv-420-888-to-nv21/52740776#52740776) might have better performance.


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fun yuvToRgb(image: Image, output: Bitmap)