
This specifies the audio track of a remote HMSPeer


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object Companion


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun setVolume(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 10.0, fromInclusive = true, toInclusive = true) value: Double)

Sets the volume of this HMSRemoteAudioTrack on the underlying MediaSource. Volume is a gain value in the range 0 to 10.

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open override fun toString(): String


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A description if any that has been set for this track by the app

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var isMute: Boolean = false

true - if this track is muted, otherwise false

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open override var isPlaybackAllowed: Boolean

Method to set if playback is needed of this remote track or not

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Specifies the source of this track Regular - from default camera/mic Screen - from screenshare Plugin - from plugin

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open override var ssrc: Long
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The trackID of this track

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open override val type: HMSTrackType

This specifies the type of track, either one of HMSTrackType