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abstract fun disableEffects()
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abstract fun enableBackground(bitmap: Bitmap)
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abstract fun enableBlur(blurPercentage: Int = DEFAULT_BLUR_PERCENTAGE)
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abstract fun getName(): String

The name is meant to uniquely specify a plugin instance. This will be used to track number of plugins added, and same name won't be allowed twice.

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abstract suspend fun init()

This function will be called in the beginning for initialization which may include tasks like setting up variables, loading ML models etc. This can be used by a plugin to ensure it's prepared at the time processVideoFrame is called.

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abstract fun isSupported(): Boolean

This function will be called before the call to init, it is used to check whether the plugin supports current OS and device or not. An error will be thrown back to the user if they try to use an unsupported plugin.

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abstract fun processVideoFrame(input: VideoFrame, outputListener: HMSPluginResultListener?, skipProcessing: Boolean?)

This function will be called by the SDK for every video frame which the plugin needs to process.

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open fun setKey(key: String)
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abstract fun stop()

the plugin can use this function to dispose off its resources. It'll be called when the processor instance is no longer needed at the end.