
data class HMSPollQuestionOption(val index: Int, val text: String? = "", val weight: Int? = null, val case: Boolean = false, val trim: Boolean = false, var voteCount: Long = 0)


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fun HMSPollQuestionOption(index: Int, text: String? = "", weight: Int? = null, case: Boolean = false, trim: Boolean = false, voteCount: Long = 0)


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@SerializedName(value = "case")
val case: Boolean = false
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@SerializedName(value = "index")
val index: Int
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@SerializedName(value = "text")
val text: String?
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@SerializedName(value = "trim")
val trim: Boolean = false
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var voteCount: Long = 0
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@SerializedName(value = "weight")
val weight: Int? = null