
data class HMSRecordingConfig(val meetingUrl: String? = null, val rtmpUrls: List<String>, val record: Boolean, val resolution: HMSRtmpVideoResolution? = null)

Configuration for rtmp recording. Information about what to record/stream, where to broadcast and whether to start or stop.


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fun HMSRecordingConfig(meetingUrl: String? = null, rtmpUrls: List<String>, record: Boolean, resolution: HMSRtmpVideoResolution? = null)


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val meetingUrl: String? = null

Single click meeting url to start/stop recording/streaming.

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true if recording/streaming should be started. false if recording/streaming should be stopped.

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The resolution that the rtmp stream should be.

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The RTMP ingest url or urls where the meeting will be streamed.