Package-level declarations


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This callback will be used by SDK to inform application if there was a success or failure when the API was executed

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Listener to listen to updates from the SDK when sending a chat message

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Listener to listen to output from the plugin when processing frame

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Information about the preview request. May contain success or failure.

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class HMSSDK
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This is the main listener that the calling application should implement. HMS SDK will send all upates through the callbacks in this interface. Pass the app's implementation while calling HMSSDK.join method

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interface IErrorListener

Notifies about errors.

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data class PublishConnection(var bytesSent: Long = 0, var availableOutgoingBitrates: MutableList<Double> = mutableListOf(), var packetsSent: Long = 0, var packetLoss: Long = 0)
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class SignatureChecker(applicationContext: Context)
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class SpeedTest
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data class SubscribeConnection(var bytesReceived: Long = 0, var availableIncomingBitrates: MutableList<Double> = mutableListOf(), var packetsReceived: Long = 0, var packetLoss: Long = 0)
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annotation class Unstable(val message: String = "This API is unstable and may not do what it implies. Please wait for a stable version.")