class HMSSDK


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class Builder(context: Context)
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object Companion


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fun acceptChangeRole(request: HMSRoleChangeRequest, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

When a peer is requested to change their role (see changeRole) to accept the new role this has to be called. Once this method is called, the peer's role will be changed to the requested one.

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fun addPlugin(plugin: HMSVideoPlugin, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener, pluginFrameRate: Int = 15)

Initializes video pre-processors such as Virtual Background and blur.

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Network quality will begin to be measured and sent into the observer until the call ends. Only one observer may be active at a time. If multiple observers are added, the previous ones will be unregistered.

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fun changeMetadata(metadata: String, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Change the metadata that appears inside HMSPeer.metadata. This change is persistent and all peers joining after the change will still see these values.

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fun changeName(name: String, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Change the name that appears inside This change is persistent and all peers joining after the change will still see these values.

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fun changeRole(forPeer: HMSPeer, toRole: HMSRole, force: Boolean, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Requests a change of HMSRole to a new role.

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fun changeRoleOfPeer(forPeer: HMSPeer, toRole: HMSRole, force: Boolean, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Requests a change of HMSRole to a new role.

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fun changeRoleOfPeersWithRoles(ofRoles: List<HMSRole>, toRole: HMSRole, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Requests a change of every peer with any role in ofRoles to have their roles changed to the role toRole.

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fun changeTrackState(forRemoteTrack: HMSTrack, mute: Boolean, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

To change the mute status of a single remote HMSTrack.

fun changeTrackState(mute: Boolean, type: HMSTrackType?, source: String?, roles: List<HMSRole>?, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

To change the mute status of one or many remote HMSTrack for all peers of a particular role, or all tracks of a particular source, type or source AND type.

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fun enableNoiseCancellation(enable: Boolean, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Turns noise cancellation on or off dynamically. It only applies when a call is active. No-op if called when no room is joined. To turn on noise cancellation by default look into the property enableNoiseCancellation of and set it in the builder property while creating an HMSSDK instance. Will not be enabled if isNoiseCancellationAvailable returns anything other than AvailabilityStatus.Available. isNoiseCancellationAvailable will also list the reason why it can't be enabled.

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fun endRoom(reason: String, lock: Boolean, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

End the room and make all participants leave.

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get current available list of devices type through which audio output can be routed.

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get current device type through which audio output is being routed.

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fun getAuthTokenByRoomCode(tokenRequest: TokenRequest, tokenRequestOptions: TokenRequestOptions? = null, hmsTokenListener: HMSTokenListener)

Fetch room token by shortcode.

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fun getDiagnosticsSDK(customerUserId: String?): HMSDiagnostics
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Returns an instance of the local peer if one existed. A local peer only exists during a preview and an active call.

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fun getPeerById(peerId: String): HMSPeer?

Given a peerId, returns the HMSPeer for that peerId.

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fun getPeerListIterator(peerListIteratorOptions: PeerListIteratorOptions? = null): PeerListIterator
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Returns all peers, remote and local.

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Gets the list of active plugins.

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Returns only remote peers. The peer's own instance will not be included in this. To get all peers including the local one consider getPeers or for only the local one consider getLocalPeer.

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Returns a HMSRoom object if one is currently active. A room will be present after preview or after join. Will return null if the user is not currently in a preview or a room.

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fun getRoomLayout(authToken: String, layoutRequestOptions: LayoutRequestOptions? = null, layoutListener: HMSLayoutListener)

Fetch layout config by token.

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Returns whether noise cancellation is currently enabled. Will always return false if no room is joined. If this is unexpectedly false, check isNoiseCancellationAvailable.

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Whether noise cancellation is available. Noise cancellation will not be available if the library is not imported. Look at Docs for details.

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A method to check if the screen share is currently active on device

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fun join(config: HMSConfig, hmsUpdateListener: HMSUpdateListener)

Join the call.

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fun leave(hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener? = null)

Exit the call.

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Lower local peer's hand.

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fun lowerRemotePeerHand(forPeer: HMSPeer, actionlistener: HMSActionResultListener)

Lowers a remote peer's hand. The remote peer will be notified via HMSUpdateListener.onPeerUpdate

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fun preview(config: HMSConfig, listener: HMSPreviewListener)

Begin a preview so that the local peer's audio and video can be displayed to them before they join a call.

fun preview(forRole: HMSRole, rolePreviewListener: RolePreviewListener)
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API to raise local peer's hand

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fun removePeerRequest(peer: HMSRemotePeer, reason: String, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Removes the given peer from the audio/video conference.

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fun removePlugin(plugin: HMSVideoPlugin, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Removes a plugin and clears its effects.

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Only in a large room, search for a peer's name.

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fun sendBroadcastMessage(message: String, type: String = HMSMessageType.CHAT, hmsMessageResultListener: HMSMessageResultListener)

Sends a message to everyone in the call.

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fun sendDirectMessage(message: String, type: String = HMSMessageType.CHAT, peerTo: HMSPeer, hmsMessageResultListener: HMSMessageResultListener)

Sends a message a particular peer only. The one specified in peerTo.

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fun sendErrorEvent(hmsException: HMSException)

Sends the hls error event to analytics.

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fun sendGroupMessage(message: String, type: String = HMSMessageType.CHAT, hmsRolesTo: List<HMSRole>, hmsMessageResultListener: HMSMessageResultListener)

Sends a message to the roles defined in hmsRolesTo. All peers currently with that role will receive the message.

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fun setAudioDeviceChangeListener(audioManageDeviceChangeDeviceChangeListener: HMSAudioManager.AudioManagerDeviceChangeListener)

Set a listener to receive updates whenever audio changes.

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fun setAudioMixingMode(audioMixingMode: AudioMixingMode)

Sets the mode in which audio mixing needs to be done after capturing the audio from system

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fun setAudioMode(audioMode: Int)

Change Audio Mode manually. The most common usecase would be toggle between in-call volume/media volume

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fun setHlsSessionMetadata(metadata: List<HMSHLSTimedMetadata>, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Sets the hls-session metadata. This information will be sent as a part of stream when streaming the content.

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Does not check to see if permissions are really granted. If they aren't granted it will proceed and the tracks for which permissions are missing will be disabled.

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@RequiresApi(value = 29)
fun startAudioshare(hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener, mediaProjectionPermissionResultData: Intent?, audioMixingMode: AudioMixingMode = AudioMixingMode.TALK_AND_MUSIC, audioShareNotification: Notification? = null)

Starts audio share of your android device. Only supported on Android 10 and above.

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fun startHLSStreaming(config: HMSHLSConfig? = null, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Starts HLS streaming on the parameters described in config.

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Starts real time transcription for all peers in the room.

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fun startRtmpOrRecording(config: HMSRecordingConfig, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Starts rtmp streaming or recording on the parameters described in config.

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fun startScreenshare(hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener, mediaProjectionPermissionResultData: Intent?, screenShareNotification: Notification? = null)

Start screen sharing from your android device.

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fun stopAudioshare(hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Stop audio sharing.

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fun stopHLSStreaming(config: HMSHLSConfig? = null, hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Stop HLS streaming on the parameters described in config.

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Stops real time transcription for all peers in the room.

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fun stopRtmpAndRecording(hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Stops a previously started rtmp recording or stream. See startRtmpOrRecording for starting.

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fun stopScreenshare(hmsActionResultListener: HMSActionResultListener)

Stops screen share.

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Switch the device through which audio output should be sent.


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