
open class GPUImageBeautyFilter : GPUImageFilter


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fun destroy()
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open fun getProgram(): Int
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open fun ifNeedInit()
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open fun loadShader(file: String, context: Context): String
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open fun onDestroy()
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open fun onDraw(textureId: Int, cubeBuffer: FloatBuffer, textureBuffer: FloatBuffer)
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open fun onInit()
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open fun onInitialized()
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open fun onOutputSizeChanged(width: Int, height: Int)
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open fun setBeautyLevel(beautyLevel: Float)
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open fun setBrightLevel(brightLevel: Float)
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open fun setParams(beauty: Float, tone: Float)
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open fun setToneLevel(toneLevel: Float)


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val BILATERAL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: String = " varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate; uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture; uniform highp vec2 singleStepOffset; uniform highp vec4 params; uniform highp float brightness; const highp vec3 W = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114); const highp mat3 saturateMatrix = mat3( 1.1102, -0.0598, -0.061, -0.0774, 1.0826, -0.1186, -0.0228, -0.0228, 1.1772); highp vec2 blurCoordinates[24]; highp float hardLight(highp float color) { if (color <= 0.5) color = color * color * 2.0; else color = 1.0 - ((1.0 - color)*(1.0 - color) * 2.0); return color; } void main(){ highp vec3 centralColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, textureCoordinate).rgb; blurCoordinates[0] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(0.0, -10.0); blurCoordinates[1] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(0.0, 10.0); blurCoordinates[2] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-10.0, 0.0); blurCoordinates[3] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(10.0, 0.0); blurCoordinates[4] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(5.0, -8.0); blurCoordinates[5] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(5.0, 8.0); blurCoordinates[6] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-5.0, 8.0); blurCoordinates[7] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-5.0, -8.0); blurCoordinates[8] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(8.0, -5.0); blurCoordinates[9] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(8.0, 5.0); blurCoordinates[10] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-8.0, 5.0); blurCoordinates[11] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-8.0, -5.0); blurCoordinates[12] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(0.0, -6.0); blurCoordinates[13] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(0.0, 6.0); blurCoordinates[14] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(6.0, 0.0); blurCoordinates[15] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-6.0, 0.0); blurCoordinates[16] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-4.0, -4.0); blurCoordinates[17] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-4.0, 4.0); blurCoordinates[18] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(4.0, -4.0); blurCoordinates[19] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(4.0, 4.0); blurCoordinates[20] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-2.0, -2.0); blurCoordinates[21] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(-2.0, 2.0); blurCoordinates[22] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(2.0, -2.0); blurCoordinates[23] = textureCoordinate.xy + singleStepOffset * vec2(2.0, 2.0); highp float sampleColor = centralColor.g * 22.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[0]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[1]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[2]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[3]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[4]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[5]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[6]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[7]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[8]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[9]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[10]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[11]).g; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[12]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[13]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[14]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[15]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[16]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[17]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[18]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[19]).g * 2.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[20]).g * 3.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[21]).g * 3.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[22]).g * 3.0; sampleColor += texture2D(inputImageTexture, blurCoordinates[23]).g * 3.0; sampleColor = sampleColor / 62.0; highp float highPass = centralColor.g - sampleColor + 0.5; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { highPass = hardLight(highPass); } highp float lumance = dot(centralColor, W); highp float alpha = pow(lumance, params.r); highp vec3 smoothColor = centralColor + (centralColor-vec3(highPass))*alpha*0.1; smoothColor.r = clamp(pow(smoothColor.r, params.g), 0.0, 1.0); smoothColor.g = clamp(pow(smoothColor.g, params.g), 0.0, 1.0); smoothColor.b = clamp(pow(smoothColor.b, params.g), 0.0, 1.0); highp vec3 lvse = vec3(1.0)-(vec3(1.0)-smoothColor)*(vec3(1.0)-centralColor); highp vec3 bianliang = max(smoothColor, centralColor); highp vec3 rouguang = 2.0*centralColor*smoothColor + centralColor*centralColor - 2.0*centralColor*centralColor*smoothColor; gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(centralColor, lvse, alpha), 1.0); gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(gl_FragColor.rgb, bianliang, alpha); gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(gl_FragColor.rgb, rouguang, params.b); highp vec3 satcolor = gl_FragColor.rgb * saturateMatrix; gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(gl_FragColor.rgb, satcolor, params.a); gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(gl_FragColor.rgb + vec3(brightness)); }"
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val NO_FILTER_FRAGMENT_SHADER: String = "varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate; uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, textureCoordinate); }"
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val NO_FILTER_VERTEX_SHADER: String = "attribute vec4 position; attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate; varying vec2 textureCoordinate; void main() { gl_Position = position; textureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy; }"
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open val outputHeight: Int
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open val outputWidth: Int