
This object refers to recording jobs that are running in 100ms rooms. With these REST APIs, you can start a new recording job, fetch a recording job (which could have been started from a client SDK) and stop recording jobs.

These jobs (called recordings) generate assets (called recording assets).

Recordings generate recording assets

Currently the following asset types are supported

  • room-composite
  • chat
  • transcript
  • summary


idUnique identifier for the recording job
room_idIdentifier of the room where this recording happened
session_idIdentifier of the session where this recording happened
statusStatus of the live stream, can be one of starting, running, stopping, post_processing, completed, failed
meeting_urlMeeting URL opened in the web browser that is composing the recording
asset_typesArray of generated asset types, can have values from [room-composite, chat, transcript, summary]
recording_assetsArray of recording assets that are generated out of the recording
created_atTimestamp for when the recording job was created
started_atTimestamp for when the recording job was started
started_byIdentifier of the peer who started the recording job. If the recording was started from server-side, this is an empty string
stopped_atTimestamp for when the recording job was stopped
stopped_byIdentifier of the peer who stopped the recording job. If the recording was stopped from server-side, this is an empty string
updated_atTimestamp for when the recording job was updated

Postman collection

You can use our Postman collection to start exploring 100ms APIs. Use the Postman guide to get started.

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