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Release Notes

Make API Calls


Use the 100ms REST API to interact with 100ms objects (like rooms, sessions, templates) and integrate your backend application with 100ms.


The REST API uses common HTTP methods:

  1. GET retrieves data from 100ms server. For example, retrieving details of a specific room
  2. POST sends new data to 100ms server. For example, creating a room
  3. DELETE removes existing data from 100ms server. For example, deleting a role from a template


AuthorizationBearer <management token>Yes


Pass the management token with your requests for successful authorization.


The payload for all POST requests should be passed as a JSON object with Content-Type header as application/json.


100ms API responds to all requests with a response in JSON format along with an HTTP status code to indicate whether the request was successful.

Status codes

All requests return one of these standard HTTP status codes

200 - OKThe request has succeeded
204 - No ContentResource deleted successfully
401 - UnauthorizedNo valid API management token provided
403 - ForbiddenThe API management token provided doesn't have enough permission
404 - Not FoundThe request resource was not found
500 - Server ErrorSomething went wrong with 100ms servers


  • API responses with 4XX and 5XX HTTP status codes indicate that the request failed

  • 4XX: The response body will contain the error message that will help to resolve the error and resend the request


    { "code": 401, "message": "Token validation error", "details": [ "not found" ] }
  • 5XX: This indicates an error with the 100ms servers, and we work to ensure that these are rare


All API resources support bulk fetches via “list” API methods (for example, list all rooms). These APIs support pagination through query parameters: limit and start.

To fetch the first page of 10 objects, set limit=10 as a query param. This API will respond with a list of objects in key data. The response also has key last with the unique identifier for the last object in data.

To fetch the second page of 10 objects (11 to 20), pass the previous last value as the start query param. Set limit = 10 and start = <last value from previous response>.

List API response structure

limitintNumber of objects the API tried to find. If returned array has lesser number of results, only those number were found
dataarrayArray of objects
laststringIdentifier of the last object in the list of objects in the response. Can be used as start for subsequent request

Params used for pagination

limitintA limit on the number of objects to be returned.
Default value: 10
Allowed range: 10-100
startstringDetermines the starting point in the list of objects to be returned in the response

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