HandRaise, Peer count and Support for Large Rooms

Handle Raise and Lower Hand

Previously, We had to implement hand raise functionality with peer metadata. Introducing Hand Raise first class API's, now you can raise and lower hand of peers with a simple method call.

How to Raise Hand of Local Peer

You can use raiseLocalPeerHand method available on HMSSDK instance to raise hand of local peer.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void raiseLocalPeerHand(){ ///[hmsActionResultListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSActionResultListener //Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSActionResultListener that is Meeting hmsSDK.raiseLocalPeerHand(hmsActionResultListener: this); } }

How to Lower Hand of Local Peer

You can use lowerLocalPeerHand method available on HMSSDK instance to lower hand of local peer.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void lowerLocalPeerHand(){ ///[hmsActionResultListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSActionResultListener //Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSActionResultListener that is Meeting hmsSDK.lowerLocalPeerHand(hmsActionResultListener: this); } }

How to Lower Hand of Remote Peer

You can use lowerRemotePeerHand method available on HMSSDK instance to lower hand of remote peer. It accepts a peer (an instance of the HMSPeer class) of whom you want to lower the hand.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void lowerRemotePeerHand(HMSPeer forPeer){ ///[forPeer]: HMSPeer instance of the peer of whom you want to lower the hand ///[hmsActionResultListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSActionResultListener //Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSActionResultListener that is Meeting hmsSDK.lowerRemotePeerHand( forPeer: forPeer, hmsActionResultListener: this); } }

Get current hand raise status of peer

HMSPeer instance now has isHandRaised property on it. It will be true when peer has raised it's hand and false otherwise. You can use peer.isHandRaised property to get the current hand raise status.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void raiseLocalPeerHand(){ ///[hmsActionResultListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSActionResultListener //Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSActionResultListener that is Meeting hmsSDK.raiseLocalPeerHand(hmsActionResultListener: this); } void onPeerUpdate({required HMSPeer peer, required HMSPeerUpdate update}) async { if(peer.isHandRaised){ ///Peer's hand is raised } } }

How to know when a Peer raises or lowers hand

Whenever local/remote peer raises or lowers hand, handRaiseUpdated event type of onPeerUpdate is emitted. You can subscribe to this event and update the UI for updated peer.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void raiseLocalPeerHand(){ ///[hmsActionResultListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSActionResultListener //Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSActionResultListener that is Meeting hmsSDK.raiseLocalPeerHand(hmsActionResultListener: this); } void onPeerUpdate({required HMSPeer peer, required HMSPeerUpdate update}) async { if(updated == HMSPeerUpdate.handRaiseUpdated){ ///Update the Hand Raise UI for the peer if(peer.isHandRaised){ ///Peer's hand is raised ///Update the UI for raised hand }else{ ///Peer's hand is lowered } } } }

How to get Total Peer count of the Room

You can use peerCount property of HMSRoom instance to get the latest peer count of the room. Whenever peer count is updated, roomPeerCountUpdated event type of HMSRoomUpdate is emitted.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void raiseLocalPeerHand(){ ///[hmsActionResultListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSActionResultListener //Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSActionResultListener that is Meeting hmsSDK.raiseLocalPeerHand(hmsActionResultListener: this); } void onRoomUpdate({required HMSRoom room, required HMSRoomUpdate update}) { if(update == HMSRoomUpdate.roomPeerCountUpdated){ ///Update the UI for peer count ///You can use room.peerCount to get the latest peer count } } }

Large Room Updates

Get list of peers on join

When local peer joins room, now it will not receive peerJoined update for each remote peer like it used to. Now, a new callback onPeerListUpdate is fired. onPeerListUpdate is a method of HMSUpdateListener. You need to override this method wherever you implement HMSUpdateListener.

You can subscribe to onPeerListUpdate event to get list of added and removed peers as:

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void raiseLocalPeerHand(){ ///[hmsActionResultListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSActionResultListener //Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSActionResultListener that is Meeting hmsSDK.raiseLocalPeerHand(hmsActionResultListener: this); } void onRoomUpdate({required HMSRoom room, required HMSRoomUpdate update}) {} void onPeerListUpdate({required List<HMSPeer> addedPeers,required List<HMSPeer> removedPeers}) { ///[addedPeers] contains the list of peers joined in the room ///[removedPeers] contains the list of peers who left the room } }

🔑 Note: that on subsequent peer joins, both onPeerListUpdate and onPeerUpdate with type peerJoined events are emitted.

Peer List Iterator API

For large rooms, we have introduced a new API to fetch peers incremently. You can use this API to fetch peers in batches.

The flow to get peers incremently is as follows:

  1. Create peerListIterator with required filters(role, peerIDs) using getPeerListIterator method on HMSSDK instance.
  2. Use hasNext method on peerListIterator instance to check if there are more peers available to fetch.
  3. Call next method on peerListIterator instance to fetch next set of peers.

How to get peer list iterator

You call getPeerListIterator method on HMSSDK instance to get the HMSPeerListIterator instance.

getPeerListIterator method takes PeerListIteratorOptions optional parameter. You can pass PeerListIteratorOptions to filter peers based on role name or peer ids. You can also limit the number of peers in a batch using the limit parameter.

Let's look at the PeerListIteratorOptions class:

class PeerListIteratorOptions { /// list of peerIds for which peer list is required final List<String>? byPeerIds; /// name of the role for which peer list is required final String? byRoleName; /// maximum number of peers to be returned final int limit; }

Let's see how you can get the HMSPeerListIterator instance:

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void onRoomUpdate({required HMSRoom room, required HMSRoomUpdate update}) {} void onPeerListUpdate({required List<HMSPeer> addedPeers,required List<HMSPeer> removedPeers}) { ///[addedPeers] contains the list of peers joined in the room ///[removedPeers] contains the list of peers who left the room } ///To get a peer list iterator with "15" peers in a batch, ///and of role type "viewer-on-stage" var peerListIterator = await hmsSDK.getPeerListIterator(peerListIteratorOptions:PeerListIteratorOptions(limit: 15, byRoleName: "viewer-on-stage")); ///`getPeerListIterator` method can return an instance of ///`HMSException` if there is an error in getting the peer list iterator ///In case of success it returns an instance of `HMSPeerListIterator` if(peerListIterator != null && peerListIterator is HMSPeerListIterator){ ///Perform the operation on the instance } else{ ///Handle the error } }

How to use peer list iterator to load peers incremently

You can use next method on HMSPeerListIterator instance to fetch the next set of peers.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... var peerListIterator = await hmsSDK.getPeerListIterator(peerListIteratorOptions:PeerListIteratorOptions(limit: 15, byRoleName: "viewer-on-stage")); if(peerListIterator != null && peerListIterator is HMSPeerListIterator){ ///Fetch a set of peers using next method dynamic viewersOnStage = await peerListIterator.next(); ///Since `next` method call can return `HMSException` or `List<HMSPeer>` ///So we handle them here if (viewersOnStage is List<HMSPeer>) { ///Access the elements of list here }else{ ///Handle the error } } else{ ///Handle the error } }

How to check if more peers are available to load

You can use hasNext method on HMSPeerListIterator instance to check if there are more peers available to fetch.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... var peerListIterator = await hmsSDK.getPeerListIterator(peerListIteratorOptions:PeerListIteratorOptions(limit: 15, byRoleName: "viewer-on-stage")); if(peerListIterator != null && peerListIterator is HMSPeerListIterator){ ///Here we will check whether there are more peers available to fetch ///For this we will use the `hasNext` method call dynamic isNextSetOfPeersPresent = await peerListIterator.hasNext(); if(isNextSetOfPeersPresent is bool && isNextSetOfPeersPresent){ dynamic viewersOnStage = await peerListIterator.next(); ///Since `next` method call can return `HMSException` or `List<HMSPeer>` ///So we handle them here if (viewersOnStage is List<HMSPeer>) { ///Access the elements of list here }else{ ///Handle the error } } else{ ///Handle the error } }else{ ///Handle the error } }

How to check the total count of peers in the peer list

You can use totalCount property on HMSPeerListIterator instance to know how many peers are there in the peer list. This property is updated whenever you can next method, initially it is zero. so, ensure to call peerListIterator.next() method before using totalCount property.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener{ HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... ///To get a peer list iterator with "15" peers in a batch, ///and of role type "viewer-on-stage" var peerListIterator = await hmsSDK.getPeerListIterator(peerListIteratorOptions:PeerListIteratorOptions(limit: 15, byRoleName: "viewer-on-stage")); ///`getPeerListIterator` method can return an instance of ///`HMSException` if there is an error in getting the peer list iterator ///In case of success it returns an instance of `HMSPeerListIterator` if(peerListIterator != null && peerListIterator is HMSPeerListIterator){ ///Perform the operation on the instance ///Fetch a set of peers using next method dynamic viewersOnStage = await peerListIterator.next(); ///Get the total count of peers as int totalCountOfPeers = peerListIterator.totalCount; } else{ ///Handle the error } }

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