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Release Notes

Session Store Key Change Listeners

The HMSKeyChangeListener is a listener designed to detect changes in session store values. If a specific key has a HMSKeyChangeListener attached, the listener will trigger an onKeyChanged event every time that key's value is updated.

HMSKeyChangeListener can be attached wherever we want to listen the session store changes for corresponding keys. Multiple keyChangeListener can be attached for different keys as well as same keys.

How to add an HMSKeyChangeListener?

This section contains info about how we can add HMSKeyChangeListener to our class:

Get the session store instance

To get the HMSSessionStore instance we will need to override the onSessionStoreAvailable method of HMSUpdateListener. We will be storing the HMSSessionStore instance for future usages.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateLister{ /// We will be storing the HMSSessionStore instance in _hmsSessionStore variable for future usages. /// This instance can be shared with other classes as well. HMSSessionStore? _hmsSessionStore; ... /// Here we get the instance of HMSSessionStore using which /// We will be performing the session metadata actions void onSessionStoreAvailable({HMSSessionStore? hmsSessionStore}) { _hmsSessionStore = hmsSessionStore; } ... }

HMSSessionStore instance can be shared across classes. There is no need to implement HMSUpdateListener in all the classes.

Implement HMSKeyChangeListener

To receive updates for a specific key's value in the session store, you can implement the HMSKeyChangeListener interface in a class of your choice. Once implemented, attach an instance of the class to the key whose updates you want to monitor, and the onKeyChanged method will be triggered every time the key's value changes.

onKeyChanged is only called when we have attached the keyChangeListener for corresponding keys. Steps about how to attach the keyChangeListener is mentioned below.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener,HMSKeyChangeListener{ ... /// We get this call everytime metadata corresponding to a key is changed /// /// Note: This only gets called when we have attached [HMSKeyChangeListener] using /// addKeyChangeListener method with keys to be listened void onKeyChanged({required String key, required String? value}) { //Here we will get the updated `value` for the corresponding `key` } }

Add HMSKeyChangeListener

To receive updates about value changes for a corresponding key we will need to attach keyChangeListener using addKeyChangeListener method.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener,HMSKeyChangeListener{ ... /// We will be storing the HMSSessionStore instance in _hmsSessionStore variable for future usages. /// This instance can be shared with other classes as well. HMSSessionStore? _hmsSessionStore; ... /// Here we get the instance of HMSSessionStore using which /// We will be performing the session metadata actions void onSessionStoreAvailable({HMSSessionStore? hmsSessionStore}) { _hmsSessionStore = hmsSessionStore; } /// This method can be called to attach listener for value changes void addKeyListener(List<String> keysToBeListened){ /// [keysToBeListened]: List of String containing the session keys which are needed to be listened /// Example for keys parameter: ["spotlight","pinnedMessage"] /// [hmsKeyChangeListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSKeyChangeListener /// Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSKeyChangeListener, that is, Meeting _hmsSessionStore?.addKeyChangeListener(keys: keysToBeListened,hmsKeyChangeListener: this); } }

That's it now we will start getting updates regarding the change in values for the keys.

How to remove key change listener

To stop receiving updates on key values, especially in cases like when you leave the room, you can utilize the removeKeyChangeListener method.

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener, HMSActionResultListener,HMSKeyChangeListener{ ... /// [hmsKeyChangeListener]: an instance of a class which implements HMSKeyChangeListener which was passed /// in addKeyChangeListener method while adding the key change listener /// Here this is an instance of a class that implements HMSKeyChangeListener, that is, Meeting _hmsSessionStore?.removeKeyChangeListener(hmsKeyChangeListener: this); ... }

It is recommended to remove all the key change listeners while leaving the Room.

Read more about Session Store here.

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