

The 100ms SDK provides robust APIs for integrating whiteboard collaboration into your conferencing sessions. Participants can engage in real-time by drawing, writing, and collaborating on a shared digital whiteboard.

This documentation outlines how to implement the start and stop functionality for a whiteboard and display it within a "WebView".

Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum React Native HMSSDK version - @100mslive/react-native-hms@^1.10.5
  • Whiteboard is enabled for the room via the 100ms dashboard
  • User roles must be configured to enable whiteboard functionality via the 100ms dashboard for starting or viewing the whiteboard.

Displaying the Shared Whiteboard

To display the shared whiteboard into your application, subscribe to whiteboard updates using the addWhiteboardUpdateListener method available on the interactivity center of HMSSDK (hmsInstance.interactivityCenter) -

useEffect(() => { // Add listener for whiteboard updates const subscription = hmsInstance.interactivityCenter.addWhiteboardUpdateListener( (hmsWhiteboard, updateType) => { if (updateType === HMSWhiteboardUpdateType.STARTED) { // Whiteboard started, Use webview to show Whiteboard // you can use `hmsWhiteboard` variable to get info about the started whiteboard // like accessing url of the whiteboard - `hmsWhiteboard.url` } if (updateType === HMSWhiteboardUpdateType.STOPPED) { // Whiteboard stopped // Unmount Webview or let the user know that whiteboard has stopped } } ); // Removing whiteboard updates listener return () => subscription.remove(); }, [hmsInstance]);

function passed to addWhiteboardUpdateListener method will be invoked with -

  • whiteboard object as first argument, whiteboard object has the following interface -

    interface HMSWhiteboard { id: string; // A unique identifier for the whiteboard session. title?: string; // The title or name of the whiteboard session owner?: HMSPeer; // HMSPeer object of the peer who started the whiteboard url?: string; // URL to load whiteboard in webview isOwner: boolean; // Indicates if the local peer started the whiteboard state: HMSWhiteboardState; // State of the whiteboard }
  • whiteboard state is an enum -

    enum HMSWhiteboardState { STARTED = 'STARTED', // Indicates that the whiteboard has been started. STOPPED = 'STOPPED', // Indicates that the whiteboard has been stopped. }
  • whiteboard update type as second argument, update type is an enum -

    enum HMSWhiteboardUpdateType { STARTED = 'STARTED', // Indicates that the whiteboard has been started. STOPPED = 'STOPPED', // Indicates that the whiteboard has been stopped. }

Render Webview

When whiteboard has started and you have the url of whiteboard, you can use webview from react-native-webview package as follows -

import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview'; ... <WebView source={{ uri: hmsWhiteboard.url }} style={{ flex: 1 }}
javaScriptEnabled={true} // Needed for whiteboard to work correctly on android
domStorageEnabled={true} // Needed for whiteboard to work correctly on android

Note: It's crucial to Unmount the WebView when the whiteboard session is stopped to release resources.

Starting whiteboard

We can use startWhiteboard method available on the interactivity center of HMSSDK (hmsInstance.interactivityCenter) -

hmsInstance.interactivityCenter .startWhiteboard('Interactive Session') .then((success) => { console.log('#startWhiteboard started whiteboard ', success); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('#startWhiteboard error ', error); });

Ensure that the role has the appropriate permission and the current whiteboard is not already open.

Stopping whiteboard

We can use stopWhiteboard method available on the interactivity center of HMSSDK (hmsInstance.interactivityCenter) to stop currently opened whiteboard -

Note: Only owner can close the currently opened whiteboard session

hmsInstance.interactivityCenter .stopWhiteboard() .then((success) => { console.log('#stopWhiteboard stopped whiteboard ', success); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('#stopWhiteboard error ', error); });

Ensure the role has appropriate permission and the current whiteboard session is opened by the user.

How to know if local peer is allowed to show/hide whiteboard?

Every peer has a role assigned. This HMSRole object contains whiteboard permissions in a whiteboard permission object. You can check what whiteboord permissions the current user has like below:

// local peer role let userRole = localPeer.role; // whiteboard permissions of local peer let whiteboardPermissions = userRole.permissions.whiteboard; let isUserAdmin = whiteboardPermissions.admin; // user can start, stop and view let canWrite = whiteboardPermissions.write; // user can collaborate and view let canRead = whiteboardPermissions.read; // user can only view

How to know if local peer started the whiteboard?

As stated above, whiteboard object has an isOwner property which is a boolean indicating if the local peer started the whiteboard -

const isOwner = hmsWhiteboard.isOwner;

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